General Purpose
To gain experiecnce as a factual professional
educator who have a set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for the
profession as an educator, both in the
country and abroad.
Specific Purpose
careful guidance of social, physical, and academic administration of te school
as a place of devotion
Applying ability of teaching as a
whole and integrated in the actual situation
Taking lessons from experiences
which are reflected in everyday behavior
Observation, teaching assistant,
teaching practice, evaluation and reflection.
Integrates the
student teacher’s knowledge, attitudes, and skills professionally in an
educational institution both in the country and abroad
Develop the student teacher’s
capability, not only ability in the classroom
but also
outside the classsroom or the
school environment
The student
teacher get to know local culture and work culture in an other state agencies
that are expectd to be an inspiration in creating a better system in student
teacher’s country
The challenges of practicum
The one and only challenge that’s student teacher got
when did the practicum was in language because not all students and local
teachers could used English communicatively and sometimes brought misunderstood
between student teacher with the school sociaty.
Suggestion for future improvement
The 5th batch of SEA-Teacher Project had done because
of the cooperation from the university and the school, both the participants,
lecturers, buddies and the local teachers. The next batch of SEA-Teacher
Project should be more well-prepared, especially for the preparation of the
participant’s faclities. Beside it, the host university and the participant
should keep in touch.