Minggu, 11 Februari 2018

Series of Student Excange Opening Program and Welcoming Ceremonies at TAU 1

Hi gais, if you've ever been a student exchange program or a formal event in another country you will be welcomed. Well in this time I will tell about my personal experience about the opening and welcoming series of student exchange programs in the Philippines.
In the previous blog I have explained that I am a student exchange program in the Philippines with 10 friends. We arrived at the Tarlac Hostel Agricultural University Philippines on Saturday, so that a series of welcoming program and opening of student exchange programs were held on Monday, and the series was held for 1 week.

The opening and welcoming series of events began from the opening by the president of the university and dean of education. At the opening event students are asked to introduce themselves and their universities. Each student makes a video and a power point slide about his or her university. Becouse this event I know the names of many Universities in Indonesia and Thailand and find out how the state and the buildings in the university (which I had not known hehe). After the opening event of the university president, the event continued with lunch together. At lunch I tasted the original Filipino cuisine for the first time, and for the taste it served was very good. For those who are Muslims do not need to worry because the food is halal (already delicious, halal also hehe). And my favorite is the drink. The drink is made of coconut water and coconut meat, it tastes sweet and very tasty but I forget the name. 😢😢

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